Oil Release
16 February 2022
by Visit Blackpool
We have been made aware of an offshore oil release which has resulted in deposits in the form of small “tar balls” washing up at Central Beach in Blackpool (between North and Central Piers).
Due to tidal conditions and a forecast of extreme weather conditions over the next few days, there is a possibility of more washing up.
Blackpool Council and its partner agencies have robust plans in place to ensure any contamination or disruption to our coastline is minimal. We are actively supporting ENI UK Limited’s clean-up teams to safely remove any potential contamination. This process has already started on site.
We would like to stress that removal of this waste should only be carried out by experts wearing PPE and we ask that members of the public do not attempt to remove any “tar ball” deposits. Instead, please call 01253 477600 to report any suspected incidents.